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Cicada Killers – At least 3 different species of wasps construct nests in the ground in Indiana. These \”digger wasps\” include the cicada killer wasp, the largest wasp found in Indiana. Cicada killer wasps may be up to 2 inches long. They are black with yellow markings on the thorax
Carpenter Bee – Carpenter bees resemble bumble bees, but the upper surface of their abdomen is bare and shiny black; bumble bees have a hairy abdomen with at least some yellow markings. Despite their similar appearance, the nesting habits of the two types of bees are quite different. Bumble bees
Carpenter Ants – Large, black ant measuring 1/4\” to 1/2\” long. They prefer to nest in wood damage by water or areas that are moist.They do not consume wood, they excavate it, creating areas to nest. Carpenter ants nest in moist wood including rotting trees, tree roots, tree stumps, and
Bumble Bee – Bumble bees are 1/2\” to 1\” long, hairy, yellow and black insects that nest in the ground. Colony size is small compared to honey bees, only a few hundred individuals. Bumble bee nests in yards, flowers beds, wood piles, walls or other high traffic areas may create
Brown Recluse Spider – Is light brown with a distinctive fiddle – shaped mark on its back head. It is a long – legged spiders with a body about 1/2\”. The brown recluse remains secluded during day, emerging at night to search for insect prey. Bites are rare, but should
Brown Banded Cockroaches – Adult are approximately 1/2 inch long.Golden brown with pale brown horizontal bands that run across their wings. Both adults and nymphs can be distinguished by the two brownish, broad bands across the body at the base of the abdomen and at mid-abdomen. Both males and females
Nest Site/Characteristics: Most form small (200- to 300-member) colonies, but colonies of some species contain thousands of ants and multiple queens. Big-headed ants enter buildings occasionally, preferring to nest in protected soil (such as under stones, leaf litter, mulch, patio blocks, slabs, firewood and landscape timbers). Some nest in open
Baldfaced Hornet – Baldfaced hornets are large, black insects about 7/8 of an inch long with white to cream-colored markings on the front of the head and at the end of the abdomen. Hornets are beneficial predators that feed on other insects, particularly filth flies and blow flies. The hornet
Large Reddish – brown ranging from 1 1/2 \” to 2 \”. Adults are weak flyers that rarely take off from the ground. American cockroaches are a “peridomestic species.” This means that they generally live outdoors. However, populations can also move indoors and live in human structures. American cockroaches usually
Nest Sites/Characteristics: Indoors, nests may be located where water damage has occurred, in decayed or damp wood or inside insulating wall panels and wall voids. Outdoors, acrobat ants nest under rocks or in logs, firewood or trees where decay allows them to tunnel under bark or into wood. Workers trail
Nest Site/Characteristics: Fire ants are pests of the southern United …
Pharaoh Ants – Reddish gold approximately 1/16\” long. Will nest …
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