Pre – Purchase Inspections
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Pest related problems can be solved yourself taking precautionary measures to eliminate them and restrict their existence. However it is highly recommendable to assign this task to a pest control company as they are the experts who have the appropriate experience and the adequate knowledge required to exterminate all types of pests and would make sure future infestation will not occur. The problem is that not all pest control companies are good enough, there might be some companies offering low price for their extermination services but on the contrary they are not that effective in eliminating the pests. Always go for the company which would offer less toxic solutions to solve the issue keeping in consideration the health of the inhabitants and safety of the environment. Pesticides to be used only if really required, or else it should be discouraged for usage if pets, kids and elderly people stay in the house.
1) The first thing to consider before hiring any pest control company would be to know whether they secure a license for pest controlling, make sure to call up the state pesticide regulatory office to verify.
2) Try to go for a company which adopts Integrated Pest Management techniques to control the pests and for their future prevention.
3) All pest control companies would advertise good things about their services and would even make many promises but how can you trust whether the company is fully reliable and would deliver what it has promised. For this you need to do a little bit of research, ask the pest control company to provide you with references of their potential clients so that you can cross check with them about the company’s performance.
4) Before making a final decision as to which company to hire, you should have your options opened. Consult two or more companies and see which company’s services would match your needs more and then hire.
5) Know about their pricing and discuss the deal prior to when they start working, it’s always good to communicate the budget beforehand.
6) Always ask for the time period the company would take to complete its task and ask them whether or not you are required to leave the site for the time being.
7) Ask them to show you the products that they are tending to use; you need to be totally sure that they would use all eco friendly products.
8) Ask them about their experience and what guarantee would they provide on their service.
9) Know whether they provide a full detailed report stating the treatments they have carried out for pest prevention and whether they would offer you advice and guidance for prevention of future infestation.
Ask these questions to make all your doubts clear and select the best possible team to carry out this dreadful task.