Pre – Purchase Inspections
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A termite inspection is a process where a fully certified and qualified termite inspector will inspect the whole area to find the infestation of termites. The inspector will visually check the interior and exterior areas of property including, garages, basement, roof and many more. After inspecting the whole property, the inspector will provide a report which includes the infested areas.
The inspector will thoroughly inspect potential areas such as landscaping, fencing trees, stumps, humid places, bathrooms, laundry to know the source of infestation.
Always provide sufficient time and access to the termite inspector, because as much as time they spent, the better will be the results.
Try to know more about the termite inspection service as much as you can. You can also have a look on the inspection work, so that you can be informed more.
The termite inspection report should contain the following points
Do not make any decisions before you get the complete report. Read the report, think or take an advice from professionals to select the termite treatment. It is important to always choose an experienced professional for termite inspection.
If you want to treat termites by yourself then there are many chemicals present in the market. By using them you can eradicate termites but if you do not know the exact chemical then the results may cause more damage. So it is better to find a professional to help you in treating the termites.