Everything about Carpet Beetles

Even though you use prevention methods infestation might be possible due to the habitats we live in.

Carpet Beetles are one of the different beetle species. Carpet beetles feed on fabrics like silk, carpet, hair, fur, bristles, wool and much more. The name carpet beetle is derived from their feeding habit. There are different species of carpet beetles in this world. Carpet beetles are about one eighth of an inch in height and have black, white, yellow or brown patterns on their backs. Carpet beetles are oval shaped creatures which can fly and attracted to the light.

It is important to regularly inspect the areas of your home for the sign of infestation. Before starting any controlling methods check the source and level of infestation. Air ducts, garages, attics and old furniture are most active areas of infestation of beetles. Other than these areas, infestation can also be possible in clothes closet, stored foods, rotten flowers, fallen leaves, dog food and many other places.

Carpet beetles like warm atmospheres with plenty of food sources. Fresh flowers brought from stores or even garden can be the source of infestation in your home. Clothes will damaged to a major extent  by the carpet beetles.

Prevention is the best thing for a pest control program. Preventive measures can help in preventing the carpet beetles from infesting and also can reduce the severity of present infestation. The following are tips for preventing carpet beetles.

  • Always clean and dry clothes before storing them.
  • Use pest rellepents like (moth balls) while storing silk, wool clothes for long periods of time.
  • Always vacuum your home frequently or regularly.
  • When you find infested things, then dispose them immediately.
  • Remove the lint through vacuuming.
  • Inspect all the clothing and storage areas for the presence of infestation.
  • Put insect meshes into windows to prevent entry of carpet beetles.