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Kissing bug, though the name sounds interesting but the diseases they transmit are not that interesting. This name has been given to these bugs as they have the tendency to bite humans on the mouth only while they are sleeping. Two of the most common bed bugs are Triatoma sanguisuga and Triatoma protracta. These bugs are between ½ to 1 inches long and are dark brown or black in color. Another name for kissing bugs is conenose bugs and this name is given to them because they have cone shaped head. Most people who had been bitten by kissing bugs had no reaction to it while only a small percentage of people had an allergic reaction which caused itching, swelling, and other allergic symptoms. Kissing bugs carry Chagas disease which causes slow illness, maybe after 10 or 20 years the disease will appear. It has been noticed that if the bite is left untreated then it can lead to heart and digestive diseases. Kissing bed bugs can survive without food for 3 to 6 months.
To prevent these kissing bugs you can take several steps. Your main aim should be to keep them from making an entry into your home. Make sure that all the doors and windows are tightly closed at night. Repair cracks in the windows, foundations or attics. Use caulk around openings and move firewood piles away from your residence. Remove nests which might be around your house. Inspect your pets to be sure that they are not carrying these bugs in their skin. Insectides application can restrict and control the kissing bugs. Seeking professional help would be wise