Pre – Purchase Inspections
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Before any treatment about pest is carried out, its identification is important because every pest has different characteristics and thus the method for their eviction is different as well. The most common household pests are ants, cockroaches, beg bugs, termites, bats, mice, rats etc.
These pests can enter your house from cracks and crevices and once they find the ideal condition for their survival, they stay in the house and multiply quickly.
1) White ants better known as termites are the wood destroying pests. They require high moisture for their survival, that’s why they are most attracted to damp woods. Termites are referred as cryptic creatures; that does not come out in the open that’s why they are hard to detect until a lot of damage is caused. Termites have two distinctive body segments and have four wings which are of equal size as their body.
That is why early detection and then immediate action to eliminate the infestation is required; do not allow them to stay on. Most common areas were you
2) Carpenter ants cause structural damage mostly found in rotten woods, they are either red or black in color. They are larger then any other type of ants with heart shaped head, large jaws, elbowed antennae and they have large front wings then the rear wings.
might find them is in the darkest and dirtiest corners of the house, hiding in the cracks and crevices of the walls and ground.
3) Fleas are wingless insects approximately ¼ inch in size; which is why they hard to detect from human eyes. They are blind and avoid sunlight because of being hard bodied they cannot be squished easily. Fleas are mostly found in the bodies of the pets.
4) Bats are nocturnal mammals whose eyes are better suited for seeing at night. They have dark black furs and strong claws which makes it possible for them to hang upside down.